Грифы Индии, Vultures of India , Raptors, Indian Birds
Vultures of India: There are 9 types of Vultures in India, and the statewise details are as follows, Arunachal Pradesh Bearded Vulture Jammu Kashmir Bearded Vulture Ladakh Bearded Vulture Uttarakhand Bearded Vulture Indian Subcontinent Egyptian Vulture, Indian Vulture, Red Headed Vulture, Slender Billed Vulture, White Rumped Vulture North India Cinereous Vulture, Griffon Vulture North West India Griffon Vulture Himalayan Region Bearded Vulture, Himalayan Vulture There are 9 species of vultures found in India Bearded Vultures also known as the lammergeier or ossifrage, have black sideburns, red rings around the eyes and a long wedgeshaped tail. They are found in Ladakh, Jammu Kashmir, Himalayas, Uttarakhand and Arunachal Pradesh. Cinererous Vulture is a huge, majestic, darkbrown vulture also known as the black vulture, monk vulture, or Eurasian black vulture found in North India. Egyptian Vulture is oddlooking, pale, medium