Winter Camping in a Snow Storm, Extreme Solo Tent in the North, Blizzard, Heavy Snowfall ( Extended)
Winter camping backpacking in a snowstorm A night of heavy snowfall extreme weather forest tent camping in the north, no fire, cold tent, high winds, 25 m, s, 56 mph, 90 km, h. (Extended Version) Cold tent winter camping during a snow storm in the northern wilderness. The forecast said 25m, s or 56mph winds. I choose snow shoes again since it makes filming easier than if I was using skis. I walked out into the forest in a break in the storm and set up camp, getting ready for the heavy snowstorm that was coming in through the night. It turned into a massive storm but I had found a sheltered place for my camp in the trees. I also built a snow wall to shelter behind for the eastern winds. Quite an interesting trip that ended in a mixture between rain and sleet. Gear list for this trip is towards the end of the video. About me: I am a Norwegian adventurer and wilderness explorer. My youtube channel focus on outdoor wilderness adventures and exploration, backpacking, hiking, canyoneer