CHP Officer Saves My Day
I ve never had a bad experience with a law enforcement officer, but yesterday s brief interaction shown here was pretty fantastic. Other riders on sportbikes had been blasting down this road all morning, and I assume they had the same sort of conversation (perhaps with a slow it down a bit, ok added at the end because the guys who had blasted by me a short time ago weren t still there getting their performance awards. ) Protect and Serve, indeed. There s good and bad in all walks of life, and pointing out the good while acknowledging the bad is just as important. PS When I say slightly elevated, I mean exactly that: Only slightly above the speed limit. You can see I m not going 135mph here. I try to be a good motorcycle ambassador wherever I am. I ve been riding street since 1996, so I m pretty well aware of the hazards of the center lane within a lane. The chief mistake I made here was targetfixating on the cop, rather th