Bugs Bunny 105 Water, Water Every Hare
Water, Water Every Hare is a Looney Tunes cartoon released in 1952 featuring Bugs Bunny and Gossamer, with a similar premise to HairRaising Hare. The title is a pun on the line Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink from the poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Much like in HairRaising Hare, Bugs (after being flooded out of his rabbit hole while sleeping during a heavy rain) finds himself trapped in the castle of an evil scientist, a caricature of Boris Karloff, and needs a living brain to complete an experiment. When Bugs awakens, he is terrified when he sees the scientist ( Eh, eh, eh, wwwhat s up, doc ), a sarcophagus ( What s going on around here ) and the robot experiment, eventually running away after the terror of seeing all three. The scientist sends out an orange, hairy monster he calls Rudolph to retrieve him, with the promise of being rewarded with a spider goulash.