Pornhub Toys Not my Job
Quel est le point commun entre un concombre, une brosse à dents électrique et des chaussettes Ils en ont gros sur la patate et ont décidé de s unir pour protester. Découvrez notre nouvelle campagne pour Pornhub Toys réalisée par Alice Moitié. What do a cucumber, an electric toothbrush and a sock have in common Well, that theyve all had just about enough and have decided to join forces to protest. Discover our latest campaign for Pornhub Toys directed by Alice Moitié. CREDITS AGENCY BETC Stephane XIBERRAS Executive Creative Director David MARTIN ANGELUS Creative Director Nicholas BAKSHI Copywriter Olivier MILLE Copywriter Erika REYES Art Director Thomas DEFERT Art Director Lauren HABERFIELD Art Director Valentine RIVIERE Art Director Assistant Mathieu LAUGIER Deputy Managing Director Kim JACOVIDIS Account Manager Andrea JEANROY Account Executive Karim NACEUR