CSGO POV device (56 24) ( Inferno) FACEIT MM 5 V5 , LIM CSGO POV
Crosshair codeCSGOJqL5T6xB62mVczqBrbEMfrPcF(game settings Crosshair share or import front sight copy in click import) DPI:400 eDPI:800 SCOPE Resolution: 1280x960 4:3 BlackBar This video is recorded in fullscreen stretch for the sake of look and feel. VIEWMODELviewmodelfov 68; viewmodeloffsetx 2. 5; viewmodeloffsety 0; viewmodeloffsetz viewmodelpresetpos 3; clviewmodelshiftleftamt 0; clviewmodelshiftrightamt 0; viewmodelrecoil 0; clrighthand 1; COLBOBclbobloweramt 5; clbobamtlat 0; clbobamtvert 0; clbobcycle 0; rdrawtracersfirstperson 1 clhudcolor 8 The radar is my own setting for easier to see his teammates positions: Overall HUD size: hudscaling 0. 9 The size of the radar circle: clhudradarscale 1. 145 The scale of the map displayed in the circle: clradarscale 0. 35 Cancel radar always centered: clradaralwayscentered 0 The size o