John Lee Practical katana versus Hanwei special practical battodo double cuts tameshigiri
Hello dear Ronins, Don t forget to like and subscribe Today it will be a JL prac VS spe Hanwei Hanwei VS John Lee Special Hanwei practical VS John Lee practical cas iberia VS john lee 1060 carbon steel VS 1095 carbon steel measurements of the special practical (Hanwei) nagasa 69, 5 cm weight 1050g motohaba 3 cm sakihaba 2, 2 cm motokasane 0, 54 cm sakikasane 0, 45 cm sori: 1, 9cm point of balance (pob): 14 cm tsuka length 28, 2 cm tsuka thickness 3, 45 cm tsuka width 4, 25 cm steel: 1060 carbon steel hi: nohi (no groove) measurements of the John Lee practical nagasa: 72, 15 cm weight: 1137g motohaba: 3, 1 cm sakihaba: 2, 15 cm motokasane: 7, 5 mm sakikasane: 5, 25 mm sori: 1, 8 cm point of balance (pob): 12, 8 cm tsuka length: 30, 2 cm tsuka thickness: 2, 9 cm tsuka width: 3, 6 cm steel: 1095 carbon steel hi: nohi (no groove) There is an important difference of tsuka s thickness, width between the two and a huge difference of carbon The special is