These huge bodies of water that surround the continents are critical to us on planet earth 8K. However, over fishing by humans and the constant threat of global warming always threaten to render these areas barren. The ocean of the entire planet earth is a continuous body of water that covers almost 72 percent of the surface of our planet earth. The currents of the sea determine the meteorological conditions of the planet earth and agitate the marine life, such as the animals and fish that live in the sea. Human beings depend on these enormous waters for their food and survival, but global warming and fishing threaten to disturb the sea and leave it without fish and animals. The oceans contain approximately 2 trillion cubic kilometers of water, which represents nearly 98 percent of our planet s overall water supply. The seas of planet earth absorb the sun s heat and transmit it to the atmosphere, then distribute it around the world through constant ocean currents that are very importan