California: Forest fire defies flame fighters for seven days, Ex Mayor Jimmy Walker
BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit FLASHES FROM U. S. California: Forest fire wreaks 3, 000, 000 damage. Blaze defies flamefighters for seven days Full Description: SLATE Ex Mayor Jimmy Walker welcomed home after 3 years USA: New York, New York EXT Gen view. Huge Crowds welcome Jimmy Walker Wife back Home New York, Gen. view of liner, crowd in foreground. Semi view of Walker and wife on deck waving. Shot of crowded quayside. Long view of Liner. Semi view Walker holds up hat for cameras. Long view Walker talks about cameras. Semi view Walker talks and then wife talks. SLATE: Chicago Auto exhibition show trend U. S. design for 1936 Illinois: Chicago INT Elev. pan. of autos. Truck shot of the New Ford. CU. of retractable lights. CU. of man raising hood and showing motor. Semi cu. couple get into car. Semi front view seated in car (Sound Effects: Offstage voice talks about cars) Background