MEET MY FAMILY (mum, dad, brother) what we eat in a weekend, Country Life Vlogs
Finally we can meet my mother, father, and brother as we celebrate a birthday in a creative way. I also show you what I cook for my family in a typical weekend. William also falls even more in love with the cat, after initially not wanting a cat. Tale as old as time Mentioned in the video: Knife Sharpener: (amazingly easy comes with 25 year guarantee) (Ad amazon affiliate) Arabica London Meal Kits (UK Only): (Not sponsored or gifted truly wonderful experience at a very good price ) Omega Sprinkle Munchy Seeds: (Ad amazon affiliate) Garmin Fenix 6x: (Ad amazon affiliate) Chestnuts: (Ad amazon affiliate) White Truffle Oil: (Ad amazon affiliate) If you enjoy our videos, you can buy us a coffee: (let us know specifically if y