Selected Originals The Coronation Of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth (1953)
Selected Originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out takes, rushes) for story The Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 53, 41. Some different material from the newsreel story. Westminster Abbey, London. L, S Earl Marshal, The Duke of Norfolk, paying homage to the Queen. M, S Side view, Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip). M, S Back view, Duke of Edinburgh, Gloucester and Kent. L, S The Queen proceeding to the Throne. L, S Queen kneels before the Altar. L, S The Canopy being carried to King Edward s Chair. L, S Archbishop of Canterbury (Dr. Fisher) with the Sword of State at the Altar, returns it to the Queen, the Queen brings the Sword and offers it at the Altar, and then returns to King Edward s Chair. M, S Pages walking past Peeresses. L, S Queen receives the Orb. L, S Lord Woolton presenting the Glove. L, S Queen receives the Sceptre with the Cross in right hand, and Sceptre with the Dove in left hand. L, S Crowning ceremony, pan to Peers raising Coronets on heads. LS Queen leaving King Edward s Cha