DIY Tutorial, DIY VLOG 012 Macrame Adjustable Phone Strap
DIY Tutorial, DIY VLOG 012 Macrame Adjustable Phone Strap How to make Macrame Adjustable Phone Strap Macrame by Phyllis This is Macrame Adjustable Phone Strap, Finished product lengths are 95130cm. Product spilt as 3 parts. 1) 40 times Half Knot Twist. (About 15cm) 2) 12 TwoColour Flowers. 3) Adjustable part 4ply Braid (About 80cm) Material: 2pcs inner 1014mm clasps 3mm braided cotton cord 1pc 580cm Light Coral 1pc 580cm Pale Lilac 1pc 480cm Ivory 1pc 100cm Ivory The DIY material pack is available on Shopee Malaysia Thanks for your watching, Please press like and subscribe button We will keep upload videos and please stay tuned Our Instagram, ETSY, Shopee link at below: Macrame 可调节的花花挂绳教程 Macrame by Phyllis 这款是可以调节长度的手机, 2534