Meantone Temperament and Other Historical Tuning Systems, Part 2
Want to learn more about Baroque music Check out my FREE Baroque MiniCourse where I teach you the four biggest secrets of Baroque style and how to apply them to your own playing Get it here right now: MEANTONE TEMPERAMENT AND OTHER HISTORICAL TUNING SYSTEMS, PART 2, What is a well temperament How are well temperaments different from meantone temperament and equal temperament and when and why were they used. Watch this video if you want to find out the answer to all of these questions In this video I show you what part of J. S. Bachs Fugue in C, Minor (from Book 1 of the WellTempered Clavier) sounds like in quartercomma meantone temperament, as well as in Werckmeister III temperament. I also play the chromatic section of Michelangelo Rossis Toccata Settima in a well temperament (Werckmeister III) so you can compare it to what the piece sounds like in meantone temperament. Come explore with me jus