Luna Is Sick, Morning Routine With Reborn Baby, Relaxing Realistic Newborn Doll Roleplay
Luna and I woke up this morning feeling congested and sick :( After checking her temperature I take newborn baby Luna to the doctor and he gives me some tips on how to make her feel better. So come join me as we take care of baby Luna on this sweet and relaxing morning routine. DO NOT put vapor rub on your doll. I did not actually put any cream on the doll, it was just an editing trick This doll is Rosalie by Olga Auer painted by Chelsea from Yes, it s a doll. No, its not real or sick. Hey Dollie friends, thank you so much for your love and support I really appreciate you watching, liking, subscribing, and being your awesome self Want a doll of your own I am not a reborn doll artist but I do know a wonderful artist who always has adorable dolls for sale Please click this link to check out my favorite artist and get a doll of your own: