Desk of Ladyada Camera Breakout + Autofocusing Firmware
Last week we took a look at an OV5640 camera sample that had a voicecoil auto focus motor inside. At the time we didn t get it working, turns out the breakout we were using had some shorted connection to the VM pins. We happened to have a camera breakout PCB we re working on so we put one together and found that with a little wiring we could follow the app note to load a firmware file through I2C and then get I2C working. Now we can redesign our camera breakout to support every camera module type we ve seen. The Great Search Small Heatsink for Camera module Our OV5640 camera is working great but we notice it does heat up quite a bit. We want to add a little heatsink option to our breakout so that the camera can be cooled off a little while it s running. DigiKey stocks hundreds of thousands of different heat sinks, lets see what we can find that is small enough to fit. , deskofladyada, thegreatsearch, adafruit Visit the Adafruit shop online