Lucy dreams first episode of Series Faces of Berlin . Short Documentary by Iana Go
Lucid dreams first episode of Series Faces of Berlin Tasks: Story, Direction, Camera, Cut, Sound, Postproduction. Lucy dreams lucid dreams is a shortfilm about DJ Lucy Luca Mortellaro. The documentary begins the series of short films of the main actors, the creators of the Berliner scene. DJ Lucy is a curator of the label Stroboscopic Artefacts and is a brilliant music producer and sound bath facilitator. We spent a couple of days together and spoke about techno, gentrification, the hype of Berlin and big cities, and about his project Casa Balat, which he is aiming to build in his place of birth Sicily. This episode of the miniseries about Berlin was developed while working on the bachelor thesis for communication design at the University of Applied Science Aachen. Huge thanks to Luca Mortellaro