Basically A Scam: PS5 Aftermarket Cooling Fans Blow the Wrong Way
These PlayStation 5 cooling fans cooling base accessories literally do nothing, and even worse, they make the performance worse. We apply our strict thermal noise tests to accessories. Sponsor: Buy the Corsair 4000D Airflow on Amazon Console cooling fans are common aftermarket accessories for all generations of console, but this particular generation is interesting for another reason: The thirdparty cooling fan manufacturers jumped the gun, especially with low supply of the consoles, and we re not sure that they even tested their own devices. It s amazing that the cooling fans fit at all, but the ones we chose one of which has over 300 reviews on Amazon, mostly positive actually make things worse. The only thing going for these cooling fans is that we think the design is simply incompetent and likely isn t malicious but you could absolutely make an argument that selling a product without validating it has underlying ill intent. Watch our Xbox Series X thermals vide