Outdoor Portrait in Oberkochen Oleg Pregner
The international women s club in Oberkochen plans an event for creative women. Oleg Pregner, an artist from St. Petersburg, will spend June 2018 in Oberkochen given the aforementioned event. Under his supervision, the members of this club will create a series of paintings centred around the idea of Women Create Art. Oleg Pregner himself will paint his own series of portraits and contribute some of his landscape paintings towards the planned exhibition as well. The results of this cooperation can be seen at the Women Create Art exhibition in the Oberkochen town hall from June 15th onwards. Der Internationale Frauentreff in Oberkochen plant eine Veranstaltung für kreative Frauen. Auf Einladung von Viktoria Riepenhausen wird Oleg Pregner im Juni sich in Oberkochen aufhalten. Unter dem Motto Frauen machen Kunst werden sie ihre Impressionen ihrer neuen Heimat zu Papier bringen. Oleg Pregner wird eigene Landschaftsimpressionen aus und um Ober