Serverless State of the Union
Serverless has captivated the IT community at an incredible pace, and for good reason. It has tremendous power to liberate productivity, increase innovation and reduce overhead. However, adopting serverless technologies is still not well understood. As the ecosystem grows around serverless, were empowered with options, yet further distanced us from a clear path to adoption. In this talk, well break through the clutter to investigate usecases, adoption methods, the power of serverless now and its capacity to meet the demands of the future. Well also look into opensource, communityled projects within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation that aim to advance the adoption of serverless technologies, while enabling interoperability and an open ecosystem. Talk by Austen Collins, Fou. .., serverless, cloudcomputing, conference, talk, aws, awslambda, cloud, infrastructureasaservice, platformasaservice 20180525 1XWOq4qO7Q