Spookiz SCATMAN (ski ba bop ba dop bop) MV, Spookiz Songs, Cartoons for Kids
Stream and download the song here: Click here to watch more Spookiz: Spookiz Scatman (Skibabopbadopbop) Musik Text: John Larkin, Antonio Nunzio Catania Text: John Larkin, Antonio Nunzio Catania Published By: Iceberg Publishing A, S, EMI Music Publishing Germany GmbH, Edition Scales, Arabella Musikverlag GmbH, Universal Music Publishing GmbH (C) 2019 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH Repertoire Owner: SME Germany GmbH Spookiz is a Keyring animation, which follows the lives of Cula, Frankie and all their friends whilst at school. Cula is a descendant of a royal Dracula family. He may seem coldblooded and evil, but he actually wants to get close to others and become their friends. He has OCD and a complete neat freak You may see him and his sidekick KongKong get up to no good, but he s a good so