Metalcast CA2 K ( HQ 320 k Bit, s)
Free Download: Ok, this time the Metalcast mix is done by a Russian Standard guy CA2K. He is not a part of the FSRECS rooster, but who knows things can change, as i think this guy has something to say to the Drum Bass, Hardcore scene and already got followers that like his music. So enjoy this one, play it loud so your neighbours love you and spread it as much you can:) Thank you people, Stay Hard ( C ), TRACKLIST 1. Katharsys Train Wreck + Rammstein Ache Mashup ( Future Sickness ) 2. Absurd Room Number One ( Future Sickness ) 3. Cooh Current Value Naglfar ( Position Chrome ) 4. Excalation ( Tech Cycle ) 5. The Sect Manifestation ( Subsistenz ) 6. Cooh Break U Free ( Remix ) ( ABCD Label ) 7. Zardonic Peter Kurten Alerte Rouge ( Melting Pot ) 8. Current Value Permafrost ( Subsistenz ) 9. Curretn Value F