Whickers World (or: Njorls Saga), Monty Pythons Flying Circus, S 3 Ep 1
Njorl s Saga, Opening Credits Multiple Murderer Court Scene Investigating the Body (animation) Njorl s Saga Part II A Terrible Mess Njorl s Saga Part II: North Malden Starting Over Njorl s Saga Part II: Invest in Malden Phone Conversation About the Word Malden in the Saga Eric Njorl Court Scene (Njorl s Saga Part III) Stock Exchange Report Mrs. Premise and Mrs. Conclusion at the Launderette written by Cleese and Chapman Mrs. Premise and Mrs. Conclusion at North Malden written by Cleese and Chapman Back to the Njorl s Saga part IV: Mrs. Premise and Mrs. Conclusion visit Sartre in Paris written by Cleese and Chapman Whicker s World