The Innocence Of Dolphins Universal
This ones for my American friends who couldn t watch the other version i made using the song Return to The Innocence by Enigma. this song is not by Enigma but its as close as i can get. its the same song just sung by different people. it took me a short while to get used to this version of the song but its grown on me and i now love it, however the start of this song didn t float my boat so i skipped it and blended it in after the guys intro. the guys voice was truly annoying at the start and not as good as the guy who sings it in the Enigma version lol. imo this ones not as good as the other dolphin one i made and its not as long ether because i had to remove many frames as the song is shorter but i m sure my American friends wont be disappointed; ) know your reading this so i will tell you you thumb this one down like you did my last dolphin vid through hate towards me like you did my others i will disable all votes on my future vids so you can t have that little satisfaction in you