Building a Car Trader App, 1: Introduction and FAQ Page
In this video, we are doing an introduction to the Car Trader application and build the FAQ page using getStaticProps and MaterialUI In this miniseries, we are going to build an application to sell used cars, called Car Trader. We will have a search page with multiple filters, a listing page, a details page and an FAQ page. The next description is a Copypaste from Blog Post + Documentation: You should use getStaticProps if: 1. The data required to render the page is available at build time ahead of a users request. 2. The data comes from headless CMS. 3. The data can be publicly cached (not userspecific). 4. The page must be prerendered (for SEO) and be very fast getStaticProps generates HTML and JSON files, both of which can be cached by a CDN for performance. Beca. .., BrunoAntunesPT , ReactJS , NextjsTutorial, Nextjsforbeginners , Reactnextjs, javascriptforbeginners, typescript 20200505 Hy4Por0yfqE