Duke Meets Beatles (1964)
Full title reads: London. Duke Meets Beatles. Empire, Leicester Square, London. CarlAllen Awards for Dancing and Dance music. Various shots of people in hats dancing. CU Disk Jockey Jimmy Saville applauding, pan to Beatles Manager Brian Epstein. GV Billy and Bobbie Irvine, ballroom dancing champions dancing the quick step. CU Paul McCartney. CU John Lennon. VS of couple dancing rock and roll style Charleston. SV Alan Fairlie presenting Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh with a cheque for Â20, 000. SV People applauding. The Duke waiting on stage as the Beatles walk towards him led by Ringo. SV The Duke shakes hands with Ringo Starr, with George Harrison, and with John Lennon and Paul McCartney. The Duke then presents the two awards which the boys fight over Ringo and George end up with the two awards the Duke takes the one from George and gives it to John and Paul. SV The Duke and the Beatles on stage. VS of the Beatles playing around before they walk off the stage. FILM I