Tom Morello Pussy Riot Weather Strike ( Official Video)
Stream, Download Weather Strike by Tom Morello Pussy Riot Pussy Riot is one of the most radical and important activist musical groups of all time. Their fearless blending of art and confrontation is a constant inspiration and its an honor to combine forces on this powerful, revolutionary track Weather Strike. Tom Morello Both for Tom and me politics have been always closely intertwined with our music, like two sides of a Möbius strip. It s an honor to collaborate and be friends with Tom. I feel strong, empowered, supported, seen, respected, when I work with Tom, I feel that we re forming a good part of a revolutionary art army together, true allies and comrades. Weather Strike is a dreamy, utopian track for me, we loudly proclaim the future we want to see: alternative systems of public safety where police violence is no longer an issue, an ultimate joy of rebellion and rejecting injustice, and also I sing about my dream to turn the main FSB (exKGB) building