Peter Fights Sylar, Heroes
In one of the most iconic scenes from Season 1, Sylar (Zachary Quinto) and Peter Petrelli (Milo Ventimiglia) finally face off against each other. From season 1 episode 19 DescriptionSylar (Zachary Quinto) continues his rampage; Nathan weighs what he has learned from Linderman (Malcolm McDowell); Thompson (Eric Roberts) does everything he can to locate Claire. , Heroes, MiloVentimiglia Watch full episodes of Heroes on Google Play: or iTunes: Subscribe, , More Heroes Highlights, , Watch the whole episode here, , Watch the whole of Season 1, , Season 1 of Heroes follows the lives of chosen people who have unimaginable powers, and the people who want to find them. Check back every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for another Heroes best bit Tweet Heroes, , Like Heroes, ,