My Spiritual Journey: How to identify if my Guru is not Fake or Not
So what are the tips to finding or identifying a real master The way it happened to me was that I wasnt thinking of a guru and my guru showed up, or rather it was a chance meeting with my guru. So If you are in search of a Guru, I would suggest, not to keep the end goal in mind and meet learned spiritual masters and spend time with them to find out whether they have a commercial aspect to them or not. Its considered a huge sin to collect money in the name of spiritual teaching, so any commercial transactions between you and your guru would be considered as a definite red flag. So then you; d ask a question, how is the gurudisciple congregation going to support itself if a guru needs to have a following The answer to that is that only the Guru knows. He knows the truth and also the well beings of his disciples. so the things work themselves out on their own, which is really amazing to witness in my opinion.