On Britains Biggest Battleship (1930)
(Titles appear later in story order of shots and titles is quite muddled; soundtrack is missing. ) Location of events unknown at sea mostly Various shots of sailors on drill on board a battleship. The British Naval Ensign is hoisted as the men stand to attention. Good shots of sailors walking about, smoking, cleaning the deck. L, S of an approaching biplane. Sailors load guns on the ship. Biplanes fly overhead and drop bombs in the sea (exercise probably). Full title appears: On Britain s biggest Battleship. A day with Jack (new title) HMS Nelson, 34, 000 tons of steel and might Various shots of HMS Nelson, anchored off the coast location unknown. Intertitle reads: Up in the morning early (very). M, Ss of a sailor shaking hammocks to wake up others and sailors getting up and untying their hammocks. Intertitle reads: And early morning sees the ceremony of the hoisting of the (The flaghoisting section described above probably belongs here. ) Intertitle