A Change is gonna come
Liebe Freunde. Der dritte Musiktitel passend zu Zeit, A Change is gonna come (eine Veränderung wird kommen) Song 1964 von Sam Cooke In Anbetracht der sich zuspitzenden außenpolitischen Lage, habe ich dieses Musikstück gecovert. Dazu der originale Text: I was born by the river, in a little tent Oh, and just like the river I ve been running ever since It s been a long A long time coming But I know a change gonna come Oh, yes it will It s been too hard living But I m afraid to die Cause I don t know what s up there Beyond the sky It s been a long A long time coming But I know a change gonna come Oh, yes it will I go to the movie And I go downtown Somebody keep telling me Don t hang around It s been a long A long time coming But I know, a change gonna come Oh, yes it will Then I go to my brother And I say, brother, help me please But he win