Deaf Club Shoplift From Jail
Deaf Club Shoplift From Jail from Productive Disruption available from Three One G and Sweatband. Purchase here: Directed by Dark Details Starring: Lisa Mungo, Mark Gajadhar, Phil Bouie, Kevin Bartlett, Brian Kim, Niko Stathakopolous, Nic Danielson, and Chris Cunningham. Deaf Club is a savage sound bath dripping with sardonicism: a blastbeatcentric hardcore punk assault channeling crust, thrash, and grind (un)sensibilities. Succinct pauses, surreal frequencies and effects, breakneck pace and sharply hurled vocals characterize the bands aesthetic, which seems as though it is rooted in a sort of nastysoundmeetshighbrowmessage ethos. Fueled by the onslaught of societys insanity and driven mad by tinnitus, Justin Pearson (The Locust, Dead Cross, Planet B), Brian Amalfitano (ACxDC), Scott Osment (Weak Flesh), Jason Klein (Run With The Hunted), and Tommy Meehan (The Manx