Exploring a Collapsed Railroad Tunnel Site of Worst Avalanche in US History
The town of Wellington was swept away in 1910 due to the worst Avalanche disaster in United States. For nine days at the end of February 1910, the Wellington area experienced a severe blizzard. Up to a foot of snow fell every hour, and, on the worst day, eleven feet of snow fell. Two trains, a passenger train and a mail train, both bound from Spokane to Seattle, were trapped in the depot. As lightning hit Windy Mountain late in the night, it created an Avalanche that was making its way to the train depot and the town. The avalanche missed the Bailets Hotel (which also housed the town s general store and post office), but hit the railroad depot. Most of the passengers and crew were asleep aboard their trains. The impact threw the trains 150 feet (45 m) downhill and into the Tye River valley. Ninetysix people were killed, including 35 passengers, 58 Great Northern employees on the trains, and three railroad employees in the Twentythree people survived; they were pulled from the wreckage by railr