Bonnie Wright On The Set Of Harry Potter
Ginny Weasley was that character that kind of blew up out of nowhere in the Harry Potter movies. Or at least, thats kind of how Bonnie Wright who played the character felt. One moment shes Rons itty bitty sister and the next she and Harry have a thing. Which for those of us who only watched the movies and didnt read the books we were definitely expecting Harry and Hermione Bonnie only wishes there was more nuance to the whole flirting thing She was wishing the movies were just a little bit closer to the books. She talked about a couple of her favorite scenes. Her first favorite was the first one shed ever filmed and how things were changing on the fly for little 9yearold her. Youre going to have to watch the video to find out why her being nine was such a fun coincidence. Another favorite scene is one that gave her claustrophobia believe it or not. Were also taking a peek at a few behind the scenes moments. Shes in the movies a lot but oftentimes only has a line or two so the moments are p