VIVALDI, , Juditha triumphans, RV 644: Air Armatae face et anguibus by Jupiter
Album out in October 2019 Stream, ,Download, ,Buy In founding the Jupiter ensemble, the lutenist Thomas Dunford wanted to rediscover the spirit of chamber music in the Baroque repertory. Jupiter operates in a kind of fraternity, as if we had always known each other. .. Vivaldis highly contrasted music demands precisely this natural response almost like improvisation. Lea Desandre speaks of a search for colour and almost limitless inflections. This music was the pop of the eighteenth century. The FrancoItalian mezzo, named Révélation lyrique (vocal newcomer of the year) at the Victoires de la Musique Classique in 2017, performs arias from operas including Il Giustino, Juditha triumphans, Il Farnace and Griselda, as well as the famous Cum dederit from the Nisi Dominus. The programme also includes four concertos, for lute in D major, for lute and violin, for bassoon in G minor and for cello in G minor. In addition to Thomas Dunford on lu