Franz Liszt Des toten Dichters Liebe
English subtitles are available. . Károly Mécs, Narrator Jenő Jandó, Piano . From the end of the 1860s until his death in 1886 Liszt maintained much closer relations with his native Hungary than he had managed to do during his years as a touring artist and his time as Kapellmeister at Weimar. He made sporadic attempts to master the Hungarian language, writing a few songs and a couple of choral works in that tongue. But his Hungarian was never to become fluent and it is not surprising thatA holt költö szerelme(The Dead Poets Love) emerges as Liszts best musical work to a Hungarian text. This famous poem by Mór Jókai refers to his friend the great Hungarian poet Sándor Petöfi (18231849) who disappeared, believed killed in battle, during the War of Independence which he had championed. Liszt used the slow march theme from his recitation for a piano piece in Petöfis memory (Dem Andenken Petöfis, later revised asPet