One of the LARGEST Amateur Visual Telescopes on Earth 70 inch Aperture
Mike Clements takes us on a tour of his hand built 70 Newtonian reflector style telescope. This massive giant lives just outside Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Mike made this out of inspiration from a old satellite blank that never made it to actual space use. This is the largest amateur telescope available to the public on the Earth and it lives probably close enough to some of you This telescope has been talked about and featured in numerous articles and forums across the globe. ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY EXPECTATIONS: Its not just that simple with this telescope and I know a lot of people have asked. Astrophotography using an Altazimuth design like this one introduces field rotation. This a common problem and it can be overcome with short exposures with focal lengths under 1500mm generally. This is combated using an EQ mount. But with a focal length of over 11, 000mm and unstable seeing conditions, you are rarely ever able to take advantage of this aperture and magnification. For example, u