girli Imposter Syndrome ( Official Music Video)
listen to Imposter Syndrome here subscribe here and hit the to enable alerts luv ya CREDITS Director: Kassandra Powell thekassandrapowell Producer: Nycollas Abreu nycnycollas Executive Producer: Francesca Woods francescawoodsep Creative Director: Fiona Garden fionagarden Production Company: Camp Productions Directors Agent: Alexa Haywood freeagentuk DOP: Billy Kendalbillyykendall Focus Puller: Jamie OliverLai jamieiliverlai 2nd AC: Chiara Guy chiara3guy Gaffer: Sachin Parmar sachinparmarfilm Spark: Duane Jay duanejayonset 1st AD: Camille Amott camillecalyssa BTS Photographer: Monika Wilczynska elairexplore Production Assistant: Yuriy Dvizhon dvizhon Art Director: Kate Sutton xkittybuttonx Edit: Charlie France charliefrancevideoeditor Grade: Megan Lee colou