Lets Paint Some Shell Impacts And Other Cool Effects , Tiger 1 Gruppe Fehrmann, RFM 1, 35
Tonight we ll finally take a look at painting bounced shell impacts and chipped Zimmerit. As it turns out, painting chipping effects over Zimmerit pattern isn t as easy as one would think And hey, we re also gonna paint some onboard tools and details, such as the barrel cleaning rods, periscopes and the fire extinguisher. New Panzermeister s video: Patreon: Instagram: Enjoying my content Want to get inspired and learn new techniques Subscribe and hit the little bell icon to get notified each time I upload a new video. Disclaimer: I am not paid to promote any products shown in this video. I simply use what I have as long as it works for me. Music: Quincas Moreira Scratch the Itch Youtube Audio Library