A brief visit with Michael Grab and his Gravity Glue
Майкл Граб творит невозможное, он умеет балансировать камнями и создавать шедевры. Кажется, что это не реально, даже после просмотра видео не можешь себя заставить поверить в это. Свою последнюю работу он делал в районе Болдера, Колорадо. Check out his web site at: While experimenting with my camera s time lapse features in a Boulder Colorado park, I found Michael Grab working hard at play in Boulder Creek. This short feature doesn t do his work justice but at least you can get an idea of what he does. He s amazing. It s a real joy to see him create these beautiful natural rock sculptures. Lots of people have watched him work. The Daily Camera ran a story about Mike the day after most of this video was shot. Check out his web site at: BTW: The