Vodalities by Dominic Shodekeh Talifero (perf by Shodekeh and Sō Percussion)
Video by Four, Ten Media, directed by Evan Chapman (2023). Engineered by Nelson Dorado; mixed and mastered by Matthew Poirier. Performed by Shodekeh and Sō Percussion (Adam Sliwinski, Eric ChaBeach, Jason Treuting, Josh Quillen). Video performance shot in Baltimore, MA at 2640 Project at St. John s United Methodist Church 1, 29, 23 Vodalities: Paradigm of Consciousness for the Human Voice I. The Universality of Breath Art (Dedicated to Bobby McFerrin) II. The Genealogy of Vocal Percussion (Dedicated to Ella Fitzgerald) III: The Mathematics of Beatboxing (Dedicated to Doug E. Fresh: The Original Human Beatbox. ) When I first composed Vodalities for Sō Percussion in 2020, I was ecstatic that it was going be transcribed and arranged by one of the world s very best and most imaginative percussion ensembles, but I hadn t at the time visualized what the ensemble performing it live would look like, even though I do enjoy possessi