The Honble Minister for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises ( MSME) TN Govt. has launched the 5th
1. Agriculture 2. Healthcare 3. Home Retail 4. Arts Culture 5. Sports Fitness 6. Food Beverage 7. Digital Homepreneur 8. Beauty Wealth 9. Education Literature 10. Media Entertainment 11. Social Welfare Differently Abled 12. Home Professionals 13. Technology 14. NRI, Outside Tamil Nadu The current edition of the Sakthi Masala Homepreneur Awards is also providing college going girls a platform to share their entrepreneurial ideas, and plans to start, execute and scale up their dream ventures through Sakthi Masala Homepreneur Awards Student edition in association with YI Young Indians. This initiative will recognise the best ideas presented by the students. Any collegegoing girl or woman student is eligible to apply. The last date for sending nominations for the Homepreneur Award, and for the registration of student edition is on 2nd July, 2022.