Garfield s Halloween Adventure, 1985
Garfields Halloween Adventure finds the feisty feline and his pal Odie dressed as pirates out to pillage a village and return the bags full of candy. Instead, the two get shipwrecked, then discover a haunted house inhabited by treasurehunting pirates whove returned from the grave. Lou Rawls sings This Is The Night and Scaredy Cat. Look out for Garfield s Thanksgiving Special this Wednesday, November 27th, right here on the official Garfield Friends YouTube channel Garfield and Friends, is the classic halfhour animated series starring the world s most lovable feline, and his charming sidekicks Odie, Jon, and Nermal Garfield is the quick witted cat best known for his love of naps, lasagna, and his capacity to drive everyone around him bonkers. Curl up and join the timeless team of Garfield and Friends as they routinely manage to gum up everyday events, turning them into adventures Subscribe to the official Garfield and Friends YouTube chann