Halloween II ( Donald Pleasence, Michael Myers, blood, gore, massmurder) Unrated You dont know what death is
Continues immediately where Halloween left off: After Doctor Samuel Loomis shoots Michael Myers six times and falls off a balcony. The not so dead Michael continues his hunt for Laurie as he murders his way through Haddonfield, Laurie is sent to the hospital and Michael hears this and goes there to kill Laurie once and for all, meanwhile Dr Loomis gathers a group of police officers to hunt down Michael and put an end to his murderous rampage. A true American horror film classic. PS The studio felt the film lacked blood, gore, too few kills and killing with an attitude, so John Carpenter was brought back in to direct all those scenes also the musical soundtrack he made is the most powerful he has ever made, so basically this film is directed by Rick Rosenthal but saved by John Carpenter in post production. PS While we are at it: FUCK Halloween 2018, feminist pussy riot propaganda