CAM Teach in Webinar War in Ukraine
The First Casualty of War is Truth War in Ukraine How the Lies of Empire Stand in the Way of a Diplomatic Resolution CovertAction Magazine presents a Teachin Webinar: Digging deep to unearth the facts behind the war in Ukraine The world has been horrified by recent events in Ukraine. The mainstream media has not been reporting the facts including a hidden history of nefarious covert activities that fit with the past pattern of U. S. foreign policy. This Teachin Webinar will illuminate the backstory the media has not reported, and challenge the dominant narrative about the war. We will further raise concerns about the growing threat of nuclear conflagration while provoking discussion about what the peace movement should now be doing. Speakers include: Ray McGovern, former CIA Analyst and Russia expert, founder Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity Andrei Martyanov, expert on Russian military affairs, author The Real Revolution in Mil