SELECTIONS FROM THE PRINCIPLES OF PHILOSOPHY by René Descartes FULL Audio Book, Greatest Audio Books
SELECTIONS FROM THE PRINCIPLES OF PHILOSOPHY by René Descartes FULL AudioBook, GreatestAudioBooks SPECIAL OFFERS: Free 30 day Audible Trial Get 2 Free Audiobooks: try for FREE : Shop books gifts: (Greatest AudioBooks earns money off of the above affiliate links. ) The Principles of Philosophy, originally published in Latin in 1644, and translated to French in 1647, sets forth the principles of naturethe Laws of Physicsas Descartes viewed them. The book provides a systematic statement of natural philosophy and metaphysics, and represents the first truly comprehensive, mechanistic account of the universe. The Selections from the Principles of Philosophy contains the whole of the first part of the book ( Of the Principles of Human Knowledge ), as well as selections from the second ( Of the Principles of Material Things )