The Garden drum cover Guns N Roses DRUMS ONLY
Guns N Roses The Garden drum cover (drums only) Check out more videos: I hope my videos helps someone, I d be happy if the vocals, guitars, bass, keys play along with my videos Instagram : drumandlife My equipment Pearl 26 x 16 Bass drum (Maple), HeadEvans EMAD Clear (top), Remo Pearl head (front) Pearl 13 x 11 Tom (Birch), Head Remo Pinstripe (top), clear (bottom) Pearl 16 x 16 Floor Tom (Birch), HeadRemo Pinstripe (top), clear (bottom) Tama S. L. P 14 x 6. 5 Snare (Bubinga), Head Aquarian Hi Energy (top), Evans 300 Snare side Zildjian K Custom Dark HiHat 14 (top), A Custom HiHat 14 (bottom) Zildjian A Custom Medium ride 20 Zildjian A Custom Medium crash 19 x 2 Zildjian A Custom crash 17 DW 5000 double bass drum pedal Promark 2B The Natural (Nylon tip) , GunsNRoses, TheGarden, DrumCover