Freelancer Realistic(ish) Capital Ship Handling Prototype
After getting sucked into Nexus: The Jupiter Incident for awhile I started to wonder if the Nexus style of ship handling can be adapted into Freelancer. Freelancer capital ships tend to lack a feeling of weight. Nexus did a terrific job of presenting this for its large ships and well, learn from the best right This video isn t terribly interesting to watch, no explosions or anything. It is just a Bretonian (Liberty is overdone) Battleship undocking, doing a short circuit, then docking again. The point is to demonstrate the way the capitals handle, which is a near direct translation of the handling of capitals in Nexus. I don t know if anything will come of this, it was really just a fun experiment to make capitals feel heavy. Like you are carrying that weight around. This was little project was based on 88 Flak s RC131. Those interested in using the engine effect, see this post: