TOVP Nrsimhadeva Wing Update: Braja Vilasa Das, November 2022
TOVP Nrsimhadeva Wing Update: Braja Vilasa Das, November 2022 To view this video in another language do the following: 1. Click on CC (subtitles) if available 2. Click on the Settings wheel 3. Click on Subtitles 4. Click on Autotranslate 5. Click on Language option This new Nrsimhadeva Wing update video from Sriman Braja Vilasa Das, TOVP Cochairman and Director of Development, will not only inform you but will fill your heart and soul with inspiration and tears of joy to see the work going on in this magnificent and historic project, the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium. Scheduled for completion and to open in October 2023, this East Wing of the TOVP will house the beloved murtis of Mayapur PrahladNrsimhadeva, worshiped for decades by Their deceased servitor, Pankajanghri Das. Unfortunately, he will not be present to witness such an important event, but we can still pray for him and continue to dedicate our energy to fulfill his desire to relocate the Deities into Their