The Science Of Dieting For Muscle Gain, Fat Loss Optimal Health Dr Layne Norton
Layne Norton is a Doctor of Nutritional Science, a powerlifter and an author. Choosing the right diet and training plan for health can be complicated. Science offers one view, while your trainer suggests another. Fortunately, Layne provides all the expertise you need to find the best diets, foods, and lifestyle for you to build the healthiest and best version of yourself. Expect to learn why people keep failing at their diets, if there is a best diet for overall health and wellness, Laynes thoughts on the new Ozempic craze, if the Carnivore diet is actually healthy for you, the top health foods you should be eating more of, how bad soy is for your health or if the hype is overblown, and much 00:00 Why So Many Diets Fail 05:44 How to Change Your Identity 16:21 Why You Arent Closer to Your Goals 21:04 Importance of Celebrating Wins Having Fun 35:10 Best Diet for Fat Loss 41:16 Why People Are Tribal About Diets 48:00 Laynes Thoughts on Weight Loss