Deep Purple April P2 German TV 1970 Very Rare Footage
Some information about the background from Nigel Young on It is the bizarre, avant garde and arty film, P2, by Werner Schretzmeier and Juergen SchmidtOehm, which also includes Steppenwolf and Savage Rose and was filmed near to Stuttgart in early October 69. It runs for 47 minutes and opens with And The Address with the band out in the countryside on a motor bed ( ), so the studio footage of them miming the track is minimal. Theyre almost acting (Gillan: Wheres my breakfast Jon: Who turned the light on these phrases are later spoken by schoolchildren in class). John Coletta also appears during this part, in a night shirt April, also mimed, is the full song but from one static camera. Two guys in hard hats set up the seats and music stands for the orchestra whilst Purple do the first part. The band are facing out onto a quarry, Ritchie is virtually unseen and Gillan can only be seen when hes having a smoke.